This time I want to tell you how our actions in the past year will affect the future
of the FCI. I am not saying it is not important to summarise our achievements and
to explain why we proceeded in a certain way, but I want to talk about our future
as an international organisation, but most important about the future of our dogs
Three aspects have been transcendental during the past year; cooperation and collaboration,
innovation and preparation for the future. These three aspects will lead our organisation
for the next year.
Read more
Rafael de Santiago
FCI President
Focus on the Japanese canine organisation’s
Dog Picture Contest and Photo Contest 2016
“The Japan Kennel Club is doing wide range of activities nationwide to promote the
spirit of love for animals. We think it especially necessary to cultivate children's
sound mind in their early time in order to nurture compassionate children with warm
heart. As part of the activities, we have been conducting the "JKC Dog Picture Contest"
every year especially for the children of elementary schools”, says JKC
President, Mr Satoshi Bessho.
“This contest, started 1977 with the aim of enhancing people's love and understanding
for dogs and nurturing the spirit to protect animals, has taken place 40 limes till
this year. This reflects the understanding and cooperation of dog fanciers, elementary
schools and painting schools throughout Japan, and we would like to express our
sincere appreciation to all those who participated in the contest and teachers who
have guided them.
Every year, the collection of works selected in this contest has been presented
to kennel clubs in foreign countries as well, and are highly regarded in those countries.
We believe that this is because they understand our stance toward the contest, that
is, we select works in which the sense of joy of living with dogs and love for dogs
are vividly described.”
Congratulations again to the Japanese canine organisation: they received
8,150 pictures and 301 photos! And the winners are…
Winning drawings

Nodoka Setogawa, 11 years old

Ibuki Okabe, 15 years old
Winning photos

Kazuko Nishi
Highest Excellent Award

Akemi Kamizeki
Excellent Award

Keiji Nakashima
Excellent Award
Marie Luna Durán
FCI Marketing and Public Relations Manager