After their international dog show on the previous weekend, the Lithuanian canine
organisation held a workshop on 6-7 March, which main focus was on the initiatives
aiming at raising the awareness of the general public regarding dogs and their role
in society.
After an opening address
by Ramune Kazlauskaite, President of the Lithuanian canine organisation, by the
undersigned, then by Sean Delmar, President of the Irish canine organisation and
member of the FCI European Section, the audience could enjoy - and learn from –
the presentations of a panel of speakers, all actors on the canine scene in educational
projects, sport events or in the promotion of our four-legged friends.
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Ramuné Kazlauskaité
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Marie Luna Durán
© Marie Luna Durán

Sean Delmar
Kim Leblanc
(Canada) – Judges continuing education: Canadian style
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Jenni Nellist (UK) – Education: are we making an impact for dogs?
© Marie Luna Durán

Attila Marton (UK) – How would animal welfare education be effective and why ?
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Sean Delmar (IE) – Guide dogs/Assist dogs, the challenges for society and kennel
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Helle Friis Proschowsky (DK) – Mandatory Education for all professional breeders
and dog keepers in Denmark
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Daiva Kvedariené (LT) – Education for the general public – for every dog lover and
© Marie Luna Durán

Markku Mahonen (FI) – The national dog day in Finland
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Annika Klang (SE) – Don’t blame the dog – the city campaign
© Lithuanian canine organisation

That was it for the first day of the workshop. After some concluding remarks, the
audience left and the speakers got together for a debriefing and more experience-sharing
On the second day, everybody met again to attend the second part of the workshop,
more focused on educational and sport initiatives for the youth.
Helle Friis Proschowsky (DK) – Educational activities of the Danish kennel club
Attila Marton (UK) – Education of generation Z/Alpha – Today’s challenge for tomorrow
Christa Bremer (DE) – Kids and youth in canine sport: how to win and keep them as
members and active participants in events
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Maria-Amelia Taborda (PT) – A small country which is improving a new relation between
its society and the dog
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Sean Delmar (IE) –Educating children for dogs
Christa Bremer (DE) – Educational school project “Helpers on four paws”: a short
history, how it works and grows
Daiva Kvedariené (LT) – Educational school project “Ben and Skipy are rushing to
Maria Grazia Miglietta (IT) – DI TE MI FIDO – Italian kid’s school educational project
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Sean Delmar (IE) – Importance of international cooperation and sharing of research
and information
There was some time for discussion where the audience and the speakers could exchange
ideas, suggestions and remarks.
Concluding remarks about the workshop
As a General Secretariat of a big worldwide federation, one of the FCI headquarters’
role is to showcase the projects and initiatives of its 92 member-countries.
Thank you to the Lithuanian canine organisation for the organisation of this workshop
and congratulations to all the speakers for putting together all these initiatives:
you are making the future brighter for our dogs!
Please share information about your work with all the parties interested:
use the social media, the magazines of your respective national canine organisations
and the FCI communication tools: website, Facebook page and newsletter! Again,
one of our tasks at the FCI headquarters is to showcase your work; then send us
the material to do so! Best practices is something to share, not something to keep
for oneself, because “only an educated society can be a dog-loving one” (Ramuné
Kazlauskaité on her introductory speech).
FCI : we share !
© Lithuanian canine organisation

Acknowledgements by Jenni Nellist
Acknowledgements by Maria Grazia Miglietta (IT)
Marie Luna Durán
FCI Marketing and Public Relations Manager